April Specials: 3 person min!! 15% off 4 guests, 20% off 5 guests, 25% off 6 guests
April Specials: 3 person min!! 15% off 4 guests, 20% off 5 guests, 25% off 6 guests
Alaskan Resident -
Daily limit - Two king salmon, Size limit - 28 inches or greater in length.
Nonresident -
Daily Limit - One king salmon, Size limit - 28 inches or greater
Annual Limits -
3 Until July 14th
*Reduced to 2 July 15th-31st
*Reduced to 1 August 1st on
Daily Limit -Six
Size limit - Over 16"
Annual limit - None
Daily Limit: 1
Reverse slot limits:
Now - through July 14th halibut must be less than or equal to 40 inches or greater than or equal to 80 inches in length.
From July 15 until the end of the season, retained halibut must be less than or equal to 36 inches or greater than or equal to 80 inches in length.
Friday closures, (except GAF) on all Fridays beginning July 19, 2024 and continuing through September 13, 2024.
These include: Black, Blue, Dark, Dusky, Widow, and Yellowtail.
Resident daily limit - Five
Nonresident Daily limit - 2
Size limit - None
Annual limit - None
No retention of demersal shelf rockfish. These include Canary, China, Copper, Quillback, Rosethorn, Tiger, and Yelloweye.
Slope Non Pelagic Rockfish:
Daily limit - One
Size limit - None
Annual limit - None
Slope rockfish include: Blackgill, Blackspotted, Bocaccio, Brown, Chilipepper, Darkblotched, Greenstriped, Harlequin, Northern, Pacific Ocean Perch, Puget Sound, Pygmy, Redstripe, Redbanded, Rougheye, Sharpchin, Shortbelly, Shortraker, Silvergray, Splitnose, Stripetail, Vermilion, and Yellowmouth